
Information about our use of cookies

When consulting our Website, any information can be stored in files “Cookies” installed on your computer, tablet or mobile. This sheet enables to understand what a Cookie is, what it is for and how to set it.

The use of cookies when you visit our Website

To allow the Users of the Website to benefit from its Services such as consulting its Contents (articles, videos, pictures, etc.), registering to certain Services (newsletters, comments, etc.), upgrading its use and its personalization (particularly offers and advertisement) depending on the User, the Website uses cookies.

Unless you decide to disable cookies, you agree that the Website can use them. At any time, you can freely disable these cookies using the different ways of deactivation that are available and described below, in the knowledge that it can reduce or prevent access to any part of the Services offered by the Website.

What is a cookie and what is it for?

  1. It is a file deposited in a dedicated space on the hard drive of your terminal (computer, tablet, mobile or any other device optimized for the Internet), when consulting a content or advertisement online. This Cookie file can only be read by its issuer. It enables its issuer, during the period of its validity, to recognize the terminal concerned, whenever this terminal accesses digital content carrying cookies from the same issuer. A cookie does not identify you individually, but it does identify the browser of your terminal.
  2. Some cookies are essential to the use of the Website, others enable to optimize the use of the Website and to personalize the contents displayed, thus the cookies enable to:
  • Evaluate and analyze the visitation and use of the Website, its headings, its contents and Services offered, allowing us to carry out studies and to improve the access and the aesthetics of the Website and its Services.
  • Memorize the display preferences of your browser (language used, display settings, operating system used, etc.) and adapt the presentation of the Website when you visit it, according to software and hardware for visualizing or viewing of your terminal used for browsing our Website.
  • Memorize the information related, for instance, to a form you filled out or to a service (registration, access to your account) or to an information you chose (services subscribed to, basket content).
  • Allow you access to personal and reserved spaces of the Website or its Services, such as your personal account, by means of usernames or personal data previously provided.
  • Implement security measures.
  • Limit the advertisements displayed.
  • Adapt the advertizing messages inserted on the Website to your personal interests and possibly linking it with your locality.
  • Adapt and send you personalized advertisements via email or by displaying it on your terminal in the advertizing spaces that contain cookies we produce.
  • When you access a third-party website containing advertizing spaces broadcasting one of our advertisements, this advertisement can be addressed to you via the recognition of one of our cookies previously settled on your browser. Those cookies can be laid out and used by our technical providers.

The cookies stored on the spaces of our Website by a third-party

Our Website can contain cookies emitted by third-parties (communication agency, audience measurement company, targeted advertizing provider, etc) allowing them, during the period of validity of their cookies, to:

  • Collect browsing information related to the browsers consulting our Website.
  • Determine advertizing contents can match your personal interests to address you targeted advertisements, regarding your browsing history collected by the third-party.

At any time you can stop information gathering about you via those cookies by clicking on the corresponding links (see Chapter below entitled “Your management and use of Cookies”).

The issuing and use of cookies by those firms are subject to their own terms and conditions.

The cookies integrated in third-party applications on our Website or Services

We can include on our Website any third-party computer applications that allow you to share contents of our Website with other people or to make them known your consultations or opinions regarding a content of our Website. This is the case of the “Share” or “Like” buttons from social networks such as “Facebook”, “Google+”, “Twitter”, etc.

The social network can identify you by means of this button, even if you did not use it when consulting the Website. This applicative button can allow the social network in question to follow your browsing on the Website by virtue of the activation of your social network account on your browser (open session) when browsing our Website.

We do not have any control over the process used by social networks to collect information related to your browsing on our Website and associated to the personal data at their disposal. We recommend that you consult the terms and conditions of use of your data on social networks to understand the purposes of use, especially advertizing, navigation information they can collect by means of applicative buttons. It shall be ensured that the terms and conditions of use for these social networks allow you to regulate and restrict the use of your personal data by these social networks, especially by setting your account from them.

Shared use of your terminal with others

If your terminal is used by several people and possesses several browsers, we cannot fully ensure that the services and advertisements reserved for your terminal match your own use of your terminal and not the use of any other person that uses it.

Sharing your terminal with other people and configuring settings of your terminal in relation to cookies fall under your own choice and responsibility.

Your management and use of Cookies

You can manage and modify at any time the use of Cookies according to the options explained below.

The settings you make can modify your Internet browsing and your conditions to access and use certain Services on our Website that require the use of Cookies.

Thus you can manage your Cookies:

  • From your navigation software or
  • From inter-professional platforms or
  • When it is proposed to you from a link from the list below.

Be careful: the inclusion of your unregistering leans on a Cookie. Consequently, if you deactivate all Cookies from your terminal or if you change terminal, we will not be able to know you chose this option.

  1. Cookies management from your navigation software: you can configure your navigation software so that cookies are saved or rejected from your terminal, either systematically or according to the issuer.
    To know the conditions applicable to the management of Cookies stored in your browser, we invite you to consult the “Help” menu of your browser as well as the heading “Vos traces” on the French CNIL website (National Commission on Computer Technology and Freedom) at the following address:

How to set your browser:

  • Firefox:
  1. Open Firefox
  2. Press the Alt key
  3. In the menu at the top of the page click on “Tools” then on “Options”
  4. Select the “Privacy” tab
  5. In the pull-down menu at the right of “Conservations rules”, click on “Use the settings customized for history”
  6. A bit lower, uncheck the “Accept Cookies” box
  7. Save your preferences by clicking on “OK”
  • Internet Explorer:
  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. In the menu “Tools”, select “Internet options”
  3. Click on the “Privacy” tab
  4. Click on “Advanced” et uncheck the “Accept” box
  5. Save your preferences by clicking on “OK”
  • Google Chrome:
  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Click on the “Tools” icon in the tool bar
  3. Select “Options”
  4. Click on the “Advanced options” tab
  5. In the pull-down menu “Cookie settings”, select “Block all cookies”
  • Safari:
  1. Open Safari
  2. In the menu at the top of the page click on “Safari” then on “Preferences”
  3. Select the “Security” icon
  4. Next to “Accept cookies”, check “Never”
  5. If you want to see the cookies already saved on your computer, click on “Show cookies”
  1. Cookies management from inter-professional platforms: you can also log in the website Youronlinechoices, offered by digital advertizing professionals grouped together within the European association EDDA (European Digital Advertising Alliance).
    This will keep you informed of the firms in this platform that offer the possibility of refusing or accepting the Cookies they use to adapt the advertisements that can be displayed in your browser: European platform is shared by hundreds of digital advertizing professionals and constitute centralized interface allowing you to express your refusal or acceptance of Cookies as stated above.This procedure will not prevent the display of advertisements on the websites that you visit. It will only block the technologies that allow to adapt advertisements to your personal interests. If you delete your Cookies, you will have to refuse them again. By the same token, if you use another browser, you will have to refuse them again. For more information, please consult the website IAB France and the website Adobe Flash